Laura Stokes' Portfolio

Connections from experiences to the classroom via my blog: 

Work of Art Project: 
This was my final project for the course and it was known as my "work of art". I took something special to me, quilting, and how to make it compelling to someone who may not be as interested in it as I am. The point of the assignment was to show that as teachers, our responsibility is to take something that is less than appealing to the students and find ways to compel them to want to learn about it and how to engage them in the process. 
What NOT to teach: 
I was nervous when doing this video, because it made me look closely at how I was teaching my students. I had to look at the ways my students learn and create a video displaying a way I would NOT want to teach my students. I then had to explain what would make my students more engaged and active participants in their learning and refer back to how and what this would look like. 

Costco and Sam's Club:The requirements for this video were a little bit different. I was supposed to look at two different retail spaces and analyze things about each of them that made them appealing to the public. This taught me how every classroom can be different but to make sure that I make my classroom appeal to my students. I learned to look at wall decorations, the way I arranged the desks, and how I set up my classroom for centers. It really has made me pay very close attention to details within the classroom to help make my students have a meaningful classroom to be successful.

Music Hook Project:The point of this video was to locate different "hooks" in music, and to analyze a piece of music looking for those specific hooks. It also taught me how to "hook" my students for lessons and make things engaging for them.

Getting to the Point to Make it Count: For this video I had to find a way to immediately capture my audience's attention and keep it while telling a story in about a minute. It taught me how to make every minute meaningful in the classroom.